Enhancing Climate Information Services and Impact-Based Multi-Hazard Early Warning in Lebanon (CIEWS)
A Glimpse of the consultation meeting ” Enhancing Climate Information Services and Impact-Based Multi-Hazard Early Warning in Lebanon (CIEWS)” that took place on 12 June 2023 at the UN House to discuss and solicit feedback from stakeholders on the draft
Launch the plan of Flood EWAS
Within the framework of the “Roufaka2 Al Naher” project funded by the AFD – Agence Française de Développement and Danida, a kick-off meeting was held at the headquarters of the National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS Lebanon) on 20/4/2023 to
Hosting the GIS day “From Risk to Resilience”
The Cnrs-L and the DRM Unit in collaboration with Esri Lebanon, took part in the GIS week “Mapping Common Ground” by hosting the GIS day “From Risk to Resilience” on the 16th of November the CNRS conference room.
“Roufaka2 Al Naher” project
Within the framework of the “Roufaka2 Al Naher” project funded by the AFD and DANIDA, a meeting was held at the headquarters of the National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS-L) on 26/7/2022, during which the main findings of the Flood